Hello, this is a blog site by me Daniel Rex Hamilton. My family line on my mother side founded McCuiston Hospital now Paris Regional in Paris Tx. Now I have you attention? I hope you enjoy my stories. If you are new to scribing or want to become a scribe then you are in the right place! To start out as a medical scribe you may enroll via FASFA or other state program grants for Texas it is the WIA. It is best, and cheapest to pass your Jr. College class in Anatomy & Physiology, also medical terminology courses. If you cannot get to college because you do not have a ride I suggest contacting your local Jr. college or high school automotive program that gives away vehicles to indignant family's or persons. NPR's show about fixing cars also gives away vehicles. A great start for me was joining my local volunteer fire department and ambulance service. These services some times they even employee felonies through...