The New SARS

Wu-hong-Ha-Chong-True-Flight-Weaponized-Hatchling-Kung-Foo-Flu- as some call it 

Although scientists in Texas have created mosquitoes that arent supposed to be able to carry or reproduce by isolation and rebreeding and release another program was to allow bats to eat the mosquito population.  This was an important project but the bat population over grew and became problematic.  It is very import since mosquitoes carry so many diseases, epecially the recent and new one called Zika virus.  The Texas Foresry Commission with board member and Professor Nicholas Simpson helped eliminate over growths of sylvania a creeping parasytic floating lilly ravishing the Lake O' The Pines and Caddo.  Offices in Gilmer Texas and Marion County Dam office.  

  COVID19 may be studyed in a general since with the information from OpenStax Biology book provided by Rice University in Houston Texas which sits on Westhiemer close to Galleria district.  Chapter 23.  Petrolium from Abilify might be a cutting agent.  Companies are using methods that include a hot version and a cold verison.  In the first month C19 or COVID 2-SARS a bad pneuomonia 5x deadlier than the flu reached 87 to 100,000 people in Wuhachong District lab line.  It took 3 months to kill Doctor Li- the whistle blower was soon silenced by the authorities in China.  Information about the virus via method or pathology is living on the surface, through the eyes, mouth, possibly classified as an STD, it is highly contagious, it causes patients of co-morbidty to be have thier body shut down like the final step on a cake is the icing.  The SARS virus has shown to creep through the lungs and attack the Left Ventricle of the heart.  Pnueomonia or SARS can breech the blood brain barrier and cause problems.  Pyrosis along with the C19 bat virus jumped to human maybe cause throat cancer in addition to HPV present, Herpes Simplex, and others, which is a system overload. 

 The Basil Ganglia, Equalibrium in the brain along with the brain stem and obdula-oblongata which helps the body keep the heart beating and lungs and diaphram breathing in an autofunctionary style through eletrical pulses sent through mylin sheaths etc like an electrical system on a plane on autopilot.  Some success was reported with plasma plarisys though the virus temporaryly disabled will probably continue to overcome the host with help of the mitocondria in the house of the cells manfactuering usually exploding and leading to more replication in the Viruses half life. 

 The key was to crack the shell of the virus and identify that material along with the inside of virus.  One man in Chicago or near had antibodies and a syrum was designed but never heard of this man again this was in June to Aug abouts in 2020.  One man not have been to China ever or contact in California area was found to have the virus but not have traveled in the first 3 months of the epidemic.  Covid19 is probelmatic in that it had mutated several times wave after wave. 

 Most of the elderly population was wiped out in the nursing homes, rural areas, cities too.  Germany refused the work with the U.S. in the first 8 to 9 months period since Dec. 2019.  They are now helping one company in US.  Pfzer has had very much the publicity through the whole epidemic but a Small lab in PA was issued 86 million or so to turn out a vaccine.  There were 96 to about 130 options for people.  Hydrocholoxine was a malaria drug first thought to help, as well as REMISVIR and 3 others.  Others using RNA sequanecing processes changing your dna. Some shots had Dimethotrexate I think, but some patients were able to live an addittional 2 to 4 weeks before full body shutdown and electrical cardio failure-no electricity lights out.  Usually about 3 months or less after contracting the virus resulted in death.  

  Personally I beleive that there are around 1 billion after a year of infected carriers and 15 million or more died in the USA alone not the numbers for the flu the yearly rate being far surpassed. Outlets report around 300,000 now.  Some stating that Remisvir is worthless. It is reported that 1200 die per day now with a full on resurgence from jan to may, from july to aug then a full blown 72,000, to 157,000 new cases per day in Oct to Nov. 2020.  

Complications in the field of medcine range from hay lung, chalk lung, rhonki, crackles, wheezing, rhales,  break dust, coal lung or coal miners, painters, lead painters or scrapers of lead paint, technical industry and the shortages therein of N95(yellow) and 3mm masks(red) in addition to shortages of ventilators resulted in early death and or spreading of the virus.  The New England Journal of medicine stating that bascially the military failed miserably.  People started to believe a wide spread lie that certain coverings would protect them from or keep the virus from spreading which is false only microns filters less than .03 filtered the virus but many people failed to dawn the mask properly or wore the masks without shaving and other factors.  Rubbing eyes, chewing nails, licking cheeto cheese dust from fingers, sneezing, circulated same air ventilations with out oxygen scrubbers were factors.

Dipping patience with fever into cold water did not seem to help most, some carriers or patients did not show symptoms or signs until it was too late as they infected others in thier neighborhood and mainly household.  Putting preganant, elderly, and the infrim into certain areas for an hour resulted in more death, especially preganant woman usually being the cultprit killing the infirm and elederly first. Open cuts, exposed wounds, etc. resulted in contraction.

One major complication in Texas was marijuana as it is trafficked in gas tanks leading to a co-morbid pnueomonia in people, marijuana as it is burned in some strains well most is a sulfide or sulfer , and hydrogen-monoxide among some of the 7000 chemicals not 14000 like tabacco.  

Source for the poor  ( you will usually start out with a pain in either the 2nd lobe of the lung on either side-a kind of imploding then radiating feeling)

The Lost Book of Remedies by Claude Davis (one of my relatives from the Davis' side mostly Roman Catholics) William Poundstone and Laurel Vukovic published in 2018 based on native american, biological plants, home remedies, or natural solutions-as in go out into the world and find a plant.  This is one way we find medicine and to see the plants on a molecular level and understand them.  Amazon forest plant cures seem a thing of the past with sythetic and technological advancement in electronics as tools.

It is unknown the correlation between LSD(no I don't think it's a good idea that they are reintroducing it and shock therapy to the mental wards) and C-19 pts. Jumping out of windows. For the poor these might help or keep c-19 in check until a solution is found from warpspeed. Eat white mustard seed daily if you want to live keeps cancer from spreading is a possible solution. Herb boneset(malaria), bloodroot(congestion suppressing coughs), Indian poke brings down fever-sparingly, Juniper berries(pneumonia), Lobelia Inflata(indian tobacco) powdered swallow water or smoked, start 50mg pr day (pneumonia), congestion and congestive pneumonia loose poultice of crushed flax seed and mustard. Oxygen kills viruses. Salt or saline inhalation via nebulizer/albuterol. plasmapheresis. 365 synbiotics or bio 4x. Uprooting the leading causes of death from Ionic detox foot spa detoxes from drugs, cleans blood

Last option for a poor person is to eat only 60% vegetables and 40% fruits (Thanks to Joe Cross and His team of Doctors).

This will cause the body to alkaline and when the body is alkaline viruses and disease are not able to survive in the blood, or body.  Inferon from chicken bone brothe is also an option to highten the bodies awareness but a new bacteria has been found according to one doctor Michael Greger M.D. FACLM that does not die when cooked and causes men and woman to have UTI problems.


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